Parents for Educational and Religious Liberty in Schools is committed to protecting the fundamental right of parents to choose that their children receive the intensive religious instruction and academic programs offered at yeshivas.
The organization, comprised of families of students, educators, religious leaders, and community members, works to educate the public and raise awareness about the importance of the yeshiva school system, its benefits to the communities it serves, and the reasons why parents choose a yeshiva education for their children.
We are extremely proud of the yeshiva education system that, for the last 60 years has produced outstanding and prospering student alumni who have a deep sense of their community and family values because of their education. Our curriculum is constantly evolving to provide the best possible education for our children while adhering to our culture and providing the foundation for students to become productive citizens that contribute positively to society. We are dedicated to continuing to improve the yeshiva curriculum while protecting our fundamental bedrock principle of religious learning.
We believe that every student who attends a yeshiva should receive a high-quality education that equips them with the skills and support they need to become successful and contributing members of their society. Instruction should foster in students a strong sense of purpose and self-worth while emphasizing good citizenship and a high level of ethics and morals.